
How to Work Out When You Don't Have Time PLUS How to Eat to Lose Belly Fat!

It’s a brisk, fall day here on Long Island, and being that it’s Thursday, it’s actually my lightest work day of each and every week (for now)! That’s good, since I have two 16 hour days thrown in with a couple of 12s. I guess it evens out in the long run…

Every Thursday at noon EST, I do a Facebook Live video for my Permanent Weight Loss Community . This group is for folks who have 50 or more lbs to lose, who are battling or are looking to prevent chronic diseases, and who are looking to avoid weight loss surgery. So far, we have 140 members, so if you’d like to join, simply go to, and answer the three pre-requisite questions ;-)

Each week, I poll the group for the questions they want answered on all things fitness, health, mindset, nutrition, and most pertinent, Permanent Weight Loss. Today I answered two questions:

1) If one is swamped during the day between his/her family commitments and his/her office job, how does one work out?, and

2) How does one eat to lose belly fat?

I’ll answer these briefly in this message, but if you want to watch the recording of my live answers, you’ll be able to find that video down below ;-)

Let’s begin with fitting in exercise. I get that it’s not always easy. Thanks to advances in technology, most ‘white-collar’ jobs enable us to do more in one day than we used to get done in a week, or even sometimes in a month! Throw in meetings, extracurriculars, and family on top of it, and you’re not looking at a whole lot of time to fit in a workout.

What I suggest you do to combat this is to first schedule your exercise on your calendar. Often, this is best done first thing in the morning, as it’s less likely that unexpected work or family commitments will pop up when the house is still sound asleep. If you already wake up insanely early, and you’re already not getting enough quality sleep, no worries! I have a strategy that will not only work for you, but is time-efficient, regardless of whether you work out all in one shot, or you get it in in spurts throughout the day.

Please welcome interval training to your life! Personally, I utilize Tabata and High Intensity Interval Training(HIIT) as my fast and efficient means of getting an insane, fat-burning workout in without wasting hours of my day.

For Tabata, you’ll be performing 8 sets of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Each Tabata interval is four minutes in length. You can perform one exercise eight times, or eight different exercises for each Tabata interval. It’s up to you! When you’re using weights with Tabata, make sure they’re light-to-moderate weights so you can maintain proper form throughout your workout.

For HIIT, the number of sets and the interval durations are more flexible. However, you ALWAYS want to perform the intervals at a 2:1 ratio of work:rest. Like with Tabata, make sure you use light-to-moderate weights so you can maintain proper form throughout your workout.

In the video’s comment section in the Facebook group, I provided viewers with links to both my ‘How to Download and Use an Interval Timer’ video, as well as my ‘Exercise Library.’ Click on the hyperlinks within the apostrophes/quotation marks above to view these specific videos for yourself…

As for what it takes to lose belly fat through your nutrition, you have to be cognizant of your carb intake. Our bodies can run on two energy pathways — Glucosis and Lipolysis. In Glucosis, our bodies are reliant on sugar (carbohydrates) as our primary fuel source. If you feel that you’re insatiably hungry every few hours, then you’re definitely relying on Glucosis. Lipolysis, on the other hand, is when our bodies are using the ketones in our blood and our fat stores as our primary energy source. This enables you to burn fat all day long, with or without exercise.

In order to get out of Glucosis and into Lipolysis, I recommend you follow the below macronutrient breakdowns:

To learn more about the way of eating that I both personally used to lose my 100 lbs., and that I teach my private clients, please go to to get your copies of both my Food Guide and my Healthy Recipe Book.

Many in the health space will argue that carbs are the MOST important macronutrient, but in actuality, we’re taught in high school biology that of the three macronutrients, carbs are NON-ESSENTIAL. This means that our bodies don’t need to ingest them in order to survive. Glucosis is considered a ‘preferred’ energy pathway because it’s instantaneous energy, as opposed to Lipolysis, which is more of a slow-burning energy. That being said, excess carbohydrate consumption leads to insulin-resistance and fat storage, which are precursors to Obesity and Type-2 Diabetes, respectively.

Watch your carbs, moderate your protein, and up your fats, and you’ll be in a Lipolytic state in no time! Plus, you won’t be nearly as hungry as often, which opens you up to other healthful nutritional practices, like Intermittent Fasting (IF). To check out a recent video I did on IF, please go to:

Below you’ll find the video to today’s Facebook Live I mentioned above in case you’d prefer to watch my responses in real time. It’ll also give you a taste of our weekly calls in the Permanent Weight Loss Community, which is one of the main benefits for joining! Again, in order to join, simply go to

Chat with you tomorrow ;-)

Sincerely, Pete Weintraub

P.S. If you’re interested in downloading my FREE report that details the five strategies I personally used to lose 100 lbs and keep them off, please go to

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