Editor's Pick: SC High Production of 'Les Miserables' - San Clemente Times
Editor's Pick: SC High Production of 'Les Miserables' - San Clemente Times
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Thursday, May 20
7 p.m. The San Clemente High School Drama program will perform live shows of Les Miserables (School Edition) outdoors in a concert-under-the-stars production. Performances will run through Saturday evening. Admission is $20. Tickets can be purchased at schsdrama.com/tickets. Festival seating will be arranged in pods. Attendees should bring a low-back chair and dress warmly. Snacks and program merchandise will be available for purchase. San Clemente High Upper Campus, 189 Avenida La Cuesta, San Clemente 92673. schsdrama@yahoo.com.
San Clemente High School students perform Les Miserables during a dress rehearsal ahead of this weekend’s slate of performances. Photo: Courtesy of San Clemente High School
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